Lovelies, I've returned! Please forgive the many many days I've been missing. This previous week, especially, was unintended! I went of to Washington DC, Atlantic City (NJ), & NYC! (also planning on uploading a VLOG for this trip) My family & I literally haven't traveled in ages because of school & the way it tends to take over my entire life.. But it's summer time! &I'm ready to do everything slightly new! (Notice the new banner/ simple background/ New Sig? Prettty neat eh?) haha. The sig @ the bottom was also edited by me on paint! I'm pretty proud:) So anyways, What is this new approach? Idunno. I've just recently been inspired from some unknown source to put more effort into my blog/ youtube. More effort BUT, at the same time, keeping it simple&sweet? Idk if you guys understand what I've envisioned because, frankly, I'm horrible at explanations. Por ejemplo, I tend to blabber buttloads before the instructional part of a video.. I noticed that youtubers/subers for nearly allll guru-ers don't always enjoy the blabble. So I guess I'm wording things & trying to explain things too much so I'm going to shorten down my talking in videos.. I'm not sure what this new approach is yet but I envision something much more appealing to you all.. care to share any personal thoughts or ideas? :) No worries, I'm open to criticism, it'll only help me improve!
Vacationing on the East Coast-wise, I recorded tons of random segments and took a few photos. However, I'm not sure if you guys can understand how irritating it was when I found out my cruddy ancient laptop doesn't have enough memory space left. I literally spent about 3-4 hours trying to get the vids/pics uploaded (while having to return every 15 mins to shake the mouse so the thing doesn't turn off) & in the end most of the good stuff didn't even import & for some horrible reason my camera uploads videos in ".MOV" so afterwords I'll have to export them all into ".AVI" format. or something like that. Way too complicated for lil' ol' me who knows nothing about electronical willy-wack ;( Does anyone know a simpler/faster way to change movie file formats? It'd save so much time in my life.. But yes. Once I somehow manage to get all the vids exported & pics imported I'll have them posted asap! & this won't be like my promised birthday post.. Haha I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be uploading any photos from my bday.. it's much too late & the photos weren't too exciting anyways :(
Soo, oh ehm eff geeeezles! I don't think you guys can contemplate how much I spazzed when I saw this. I've been recently doubting f21 (crazy, I know right?) because I feel like their cheap items aren't so cheap anymore ):< Clothes you could get for $10-12 bucks are now like $15?! What is this who-ha?! Yeah I know it may not seem like a big diff but for a person like me whose profit depends on saving lunch allowance once a week--this is a big difference! I don't mind thaat much if it's one or 2 shirts thats $15-20 but after 2 shirts the cost really does add up. But anyways, so in addition to my doubt, when shopping in NYC I went into a 3 story f21 & was disappointed to find I wasn't really "attracted" to a majority of their clothes. Idk if it's because I know I need to cut back on spending or if it's because I wasn't in the mood to shop (..impossible) or something but yeah, such a let down. It could even be because I wasn't able to go to their website and check out all the new arrivals (& memorize everything by heart haha) //due to my 1 week vacation. So when I returned to my crib, started up my compoooper, went to the forever21 website, and layed my eyes on their homepage--I pretty much flipped. I love anything related to WWF, &'ve done projects on their organization, and I always get this proud feeling when I purchase something that donates to them. I know buying a shirt that donates slightly less that 10% of it's proceeds may not seem all the great & personally going to the WWF website to donates is much better but I still can't help feeling like a good citizen after purchasing a shirt. I guess by donating the $1 by wearing the shirt you're also advertising the company and help spread the organization? Idk, I figure that this is better than nothing & I'm always proud to assist. Not only was I happy because they're selling more WWF products at the moment but I LOVE the design. Idk if you all knew, but I've been absolutely loving digitally printed T's lately. The fact that the shirt is printed with ginormous faces of adorable animals make it a good 15x more desirable. The design also continues in the back unlike those blank ones. I have to go out and buy nearly every single one of the shirts or else I'll have to cry and, unfortunately, in no manner am I exaggerating. Forever 21 promises to only give the $1 proceed for every shirt purchased until May 31st, 2012, so join me today in the persuit of animal conservation, protection, and environmental healing? <3
Much much love,

PS--by no means am I affiliated with Forever21. I just seriously love them animals...
Dangitt, what a loser, I realized my signature says "Fos over Spoons" rather than Forks over Spoons; I no longer deserve such a name.. ;(. ;)