Where the heck is "ForksOverSpoons" !?
Sorry I've been so MIA lately. Hopefully this post will answer all of your questions.
-No, I am not giving up on youtube! I've just been busy ltely & unable to inform you all. :'(
-I will start posting again once my SPRING BREAK (<3) starts! (April 15th)
-Since I alreaaady extended the Contest Giveaway (4th), I am not going to extend it again... Judges & I are meeting up this week to pick a winner! (Find out on April 15th!!)
-Videos for sure Coming Up: DIY Lace Bandeau, 4th Free Contest Giveaway Winner, BIRTHDAY HAUL!?
Okay s hopefully those cleared up the BIG Qs? If you have anymore, feel free to ask here! Hey, thanks for all the support guys & putting up with my issues. I've been lacking time these past weeks because my teachers are being inconvenient by having all there tests and such before Spring Break.. ;( SO,....... Just to try to make it up to you all.... I'VE DECIDED.... dramatic drum roll: ...... Over Spring break, I will have ATLEAST 1 video uploaded every other day. (i.e; a new video on a monday, maybe not tuesday, but then forsure wednesday..) & as for posts, I promise to have atleast I post uploaded per day! Hopefully I won't have any technical issues, but yeah! These are my goals & promises to you all! Just to let you know, my Spring Break will last from April 15th-April24th. ALSO: I'm thinking of doing a massive Spring-Ready birthday haul?! I'll update you all on this sometime... I may even do the whole "how I thrift/thrift with me" & "DIY Jewelry" during this time since it was the most requested on my poll thing! Is it just me, or is anyone else really excited for this Spring Break?! Oh! & Just incase someone wants to know when my birthday is, it's on April 16th! :D I plan on persuading my mom to help me get a new cam so I guess you guys'll find out how successful that is if the quality of my vids or blog posts look any nicer ;D Ohhh! What I'm most excited for is either the massive Bday haul, orLOOKBOOK! I'm thinking of doing a whole spring trends fashion video, & I want to make it greaaatt. I'm just waiting for the haul & cam at this point... ;D
Thanks everyone for not unsubscribing to my youtube & unfollowed my blog<3 ;D