My mom has been getting on my nerves to another level. For the past two weekends she hasn't been letting me go on the internet, usually Sunday. She thinks this way I'll do my homework & study all day.. you'd think after all these years she'd realize the more she threats me and forces me to study the less I'll actually do it. Redunkulous. It's pretty late right now but I managed to get her to let me go online! I just chose a random last minute photo I had (actually taken with my ipod Touch 4g)! The photo seems a tad awkward to me but, eh, it's all I had. 3 day weekend, woo! ~ (i probably won't be allowed online tomorrow though.. :( ) & yeee i'm so excited my youtube has nearly reached 750! (2 more to go!) this means I'll have my 4th free giveaway before my 3rd one even finishes haha! Thanks again guys, you are absolutely awesomesauceee.
So now that a majority of the time I'm internetless, what am I doing to entertain myself? FREE IPOD GAMES. y'know it! haha i've become quite beastly at "Unblock Me" & that one hamburger stacker game! haha! i created a 125$ burger today! I felt very accomplished! Hmm. Life is the same old same old for me.. Oh! I'm also thinking of "ombre" -ing my hair?! (not blonde though, that'd be too insane for me,personally). I'm not sure though because I have virgin hair (never dyed). This also means that if someone asks if my hair is naturally as light as it is I can't say it is. (my hair naturally turns light in sunlight). Hahah, but I think the whole ombre looking is pretty unique if it's .. "done right" --can I even say that? Haha I'm just thinking of a lighter/light/some sort of brown at the bottom. To enhance it I suppose. Nothing too extreme; I want to keep it somewhat natural. What do you guys think? "Go!" or "No, don't go!" ?
I've also saved up some money after Chinese New Years & all but not sure what to spend it on! haha. I'm thinking either a fuji film instax mini 25, better camera for bloggin'/videos, spring/summer clothes, or a new bikini for swimmin' this summer (total for bikini = $70). I have pros and cons for everything & stuck in a Rut :(
Oh! Tons of people have been asking about my purse! (first revealed/shown in my DIY Back Buttoned Top Video). I really want to tell you all but I've been planning on telling you all everything about it in a "What's in my Bag" Video. I was planning on doing one in a little while. Waiting for a day where I feel appropriate.. (i don't even know what I'm going on about it's just that I feel like right now isn't a good time for a What's in my Bad Video). Maybe it's because I still owe you guys so many other things such as a DIY Cardigan? I'm not really sure.. hahah I'll tell y'all once I figure out this cheese!