[NOTE: I am not paid to advertise these stores. These are honest, personal, opinions/thoughts].

Forever 21 is probably known by just about everyone ;) I just wanted to post the website up incase someone out there doesn't know about this wonderful place. They have pretty much every clothing style imaginable varying from their heritage line to their children's line! I don't think it's the best place to shop if you have a thing for band tee's (like hot topic) or something along those lines. You'll probably see more girly clothes here with the occassional grunge-y peices. I shop here way more than I realize.. there's times where I don't always like forever 21 just because their clothes aren't always very original. By unoriginal I mean you can walk into some other asian fashion store (such as Fashion Q) can find similar things. Overall, considering all the f21 shopping bags I have stuffed under my bed, I def like this place :)

Urban Outfitters is also another quite popular store that I'd like to share! (Just incase some of you guys don't know about this place!) So yeah, I personally believe it's more chic than forever 21. They also sell really cool modern vintage inspired cameras here! There shoes are the comfiest but definitly one of the cutest. They have pretty unique tops at times & I really dig the vibe from this place. The store is pretty creative and has an attic type vibe. Well that's how I feel when I come ;) The variety of clothes her aren't as vast as forever 21's but if you like vintage style clothes then this place is sublime. However, I've noticed that urban outfitters is quite more expensive than forever21. In general, it's a great place. You can find things such as paint, journals, and cameras here that you can't at Forever21 or many other clothing stores.

80's Purple! Has anyone heard of this place? I've just recently discovered it! I have one near my area but never actually shopped there :/ I've seen their online website though & they have some pretty cute stuff! They really remind me of urban outfitters--except more expensive! They sell similar styles of clothes & also sells extra things such as iphone cases. Not as many extra non-clothing items as Urban though.. HOWEVER, I was really drawn in by this website because of their accessories! They have so many unique rings, earrings, and necklaces! Even a disney couture line! Sooo cute! I don't what it is about this website but it really inspires me. I'll update you guys on my thoughts of this place if I ever check it out irl!

Zipia. I heard about this place from someone and all I can say is it's niicee. It's one of those asian websites (as in websites founded/run in asia). However, instead of the complicated ways to order from Asia (i.e finding someone from asia who will order it for you then you pay additional shipping usually costing around $30) there's international shipping. So shipping shouldn't be more then what you buy :) I've never actually ordered anything from this website yet (but am planning to..) but I've heard from people their clothes are very nice quality and there's usually more details to the clothing then it seems. (i.e a cool pocket on a shirt you've never noticed?!). What I really liked about this website was how in the preview section the model has atleast 5 or so photos so you get a really good visual of how the clothes look! The only thing I dont really like is how I can't view more than one clothing item at a time. QQ. Tis' otay i'm sure i'll live.. ;)